
West Branch Trail, Rawah Wilderness, Colorado

Even the trail head to West Branch Trail doesn’t disappoint!

The colors in the aspen trees are showing up even more now as we headed north this time to explore the Rawah Wilderness, known for its moose and nasty bugs of which we saw neither this time.  Mostly a photo blog today for those of you that want to track fall colors real time in Colorado. Here you go!

How can you resist not to dive into this pallete of green, yellow and orange!
A common pine squirrel stopped to pose for me while eating his acorn. Aren’t tree rats adorable?
Coincidentally I once had a painting on my bedroom wall as a child that reminds me of this image of an aspen hillside
It looks like the top of the forest is ablaze with aspen
A single orange leaf against a sea of yellow beckons for a picture
Now where did that little red leaf come from? Not here.
Or here
Kaboom! Oooh, aaah! Again!
Oh you want it again? Okay this time directly over your head against the deep blue sky. No filters applied, these are the real colors.
These are Mountain Grapes (aka Oregon Grapes). The are not grapes at all, with leaves more closely resembling holly. They are edible, but tart!
The saddle of the trail about 3 miles in is where the aspen drop off and therefore where we turned around.

Later in the season we will post a “Best of Fall Colors” blog to pull together more of the auric autumn.  As usual, leave your comments below. Enjoy