Ethan and Suzie Gannett have been avid outdoors enthusiasts for their entire lives and now hope to share their experiences with you in this blog. Starting as babies on their backs, their two children were raised llama-trekking, backcountry camping, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and mountain biking the western US.

Ethan is a mountaineer and spent many years being President and SAR manager of a county search and rescue team. He is a river kayaker, has climbed many of Colorado’s 14nrs, and enjoys exploring forgotten and less visited outdoor locales while photographing, geocaching, foraging, learning history and letting his muse inspire him in poetry and prose about the beautiful sites he and Suzie visit.
Suzie is a rafter, mountain biker and avid hiker who enjoys the simple beauty of the outdoors, letting her naturally sunny disposition shine in Ethan’s photography.
Join us for a little fun by sharing our adventures, you might learn something along the way, inspiring you to get outdoors yourself!