
Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the icons of Colorado when it comes to mountain scenery and natural wonders to behold.  The trails we have visited over our 30+ years in Colorado are numerous and the stories behind them multi-fold, from llama trekking, to search and rescue helicopter crashes, to twice summitting Long’s Peak (a fourteener), and stories of courting Suzie in our early years together. “The Park” is at the center of many of our adventures.  Instead of posting multiple different trips, we decided to collects some of our favorite haunts in the park in one blog collection of mini-blogs that will be updated periodically with new trips.  Enjoy the blog and find a few of these trips to do on your own to start your own adventure!

Loch Vale

Loch Vale in its full grandeur, now in Panoramavision! Andrew’s Glacier in the saddle on the right is a true year-round glacier, though it is shrinking every year.

Loch Vale is in the Bear Lake area of RMNP.  It has one of the prettiest cirques to visit in the park.  Park or ride the shuttle bus to Glacier Gorge parking area. While you can take the Glacier Gorge trail to get to Loch Vale, we frequent the Climber’s trail which is a secret trail that cuts off about ¾ of a mile  and circumvents Glacier Gorge Falls which can be a bit of a zoo in the high season.   Drop us a note if you would like to know about how to find this secret locals trail.  Read the captions for more interesting details.

Along the Climber’s  trail, these ferns turning their fall colors begged for their picture to be taken. I obliged.
A cascade fall coming off of Loch Vale along the trail to the lake
The first view of Loch Vale as one approaches from the trail
Suzie, happy as usual to be out hiking.
Since Suzie and I first kissed at nearby Sky Pond while we were courting, I thought a selfie was warranted!

3 replies on “Rocky Mountain National Park”

It looks like a fairyland!

By the way, what is beyond Suzie’s shoulder, down by the lake? Is it the “Loch Vale” amphibious monster?

It is a woman on the shore pointing out the Loch Vale monster in the lake that unfortunately is just behind Suzie’s head. Oh well, catch it next time.

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