
Valley of Fire State Park, Overton, Nevada

Valley of Fire Canyon

What does the death of Captain James T. Kirk (one of three I might add), the movie The Professionals, Fire Wave, and petroglyphs all have in common? Well if you answered Valley of Fire State Park, then you would be right and astoundingly astute, though given that’s the title of this article, you might also just be Captain Obvious!

As we venture out more from our pandemic den in Fort Collins, we decided to take a long road trip to Overton, Nevada. Some 50 miles outside of Las Vegas and on the “north shore” of Lake Mead is Overton and our destination, Valley of Fire State Park.

This geologically diverse area is populated by red rocky crags, white-domed mountains, a colorful plethora of small arches, panels packed with petroglyphs, and pastel-hued slot canyons making it one of the more beautiful state parks we have been to.

There are beehive-like rock structures in the park as well
It took a long time to get Suzie’s head unstuck
There are petrified logs in the park as well. Suzie looking petrified.

This natural background also attracts something else, movie making! Many moves were shot against these backdrops, why you can even visit what is left of the movie set The Professionals which is part of a Mexican hacienda wall that was built up one slot canyon. This is also the place where Captain James T. Kirk met his demise against Soran in the movie Star Trek: Generations.

That fact maybe made it a little less surprising for what we saw as we returned one evening from our visit to the Fire Wave, which is a beautiful sandstone wind-carved feature reminiscent of the more spectacular “The Wave” in Arizona. Down the trail came a crew of young movie makers, steady cam harnesses and professional cameras in hand, perhaps to shoot a B roll or scout the location for an upcoming move in the alpenglow evening light.

Fire Wave
How arches are made
Beautiful, no? Suzie is standing in the shadows between the two knobs
Ethan at Fire Wave
Reminds me of swirling Neapolitan ice cream all together in a bowl, yum!
Gottta get the art shots in, art shot #1
Art shot #2
Fire Wave in the evening
Fire Wave in the morning light

When visiting Silica Dome, one of the white-domed mountains in the park, we also witnessed two helicopters racing up and down the adjacent Valley of Fire red stone canyon, perhaps they were only sightseers from nearby Las Vegas, or perhaps they were shooting an exciting chase scene through the valley, later to dub in fighter jets or UFOs, I imagined. This is where the final death scene of Kirk was shot in a battle assisted by Captain Jean Luc Picard. Okay, I am geeking out way too much!

Helicopter racing over Silica Dome
The subpeaks of Silica Dome, where Captain Kirk met his demise

But wait, there is more. Not one, not two, but three slot canyons can be hiked on one loop trail. Slot canyons are formed by rushing flash flood water carving its way between sandstone cracks making well-polished passages one can hike up….preferably when it is not raining! Every slot canyon we have hiked has its own unique beauty, tight squeezes, technical maneuvers, and awe to behold. These canyons, Pink, Kaoli, and White Dome were gorgeous. Aptly name Pink is aglow in subtle hues of pink and brown. Kaoli has odd spiny rock formations reminiscent of ascent coral reefs, and white dome is tall and narrow.

The subtle pastels in these slot canyons are breathtaking
Pink Canyon
Ethan entering Pink Slot Canyon
Pink Slot Canyon
Suzie inside Pink Canyon
Oleander was in bloom when we were there
Kaoli Slot Canyon rock features
White Dome Slot Canyon
Fire Cave, not to be confused with Fire Wave!
Fire Cave really on fire!

There are small arches all over the park, many unnamed. These are not grand arches like in Arches National Park, most are human size, big enough to walk or crawl through to get some interesting pictures.

Arch Rock, named by someone without much of an imagination
An unnamed arch we found on a secret trail
Thunderstorm Arch, Suzie’s new Facebook profile picture
Another unnamed arch on the white dome trail

This area was also inhabited by ancient Puebloans, or Anasazi. Within the red stone Valley of Fire canyon itself are many trails you can take to see massive panels of petroglyphs pecked into the dark red varnish of the surrounding canyon. One particularly dense collection is up Mouse’s Tank and another at Atlatl Rock.

Some of the petroglyphs at Atlatl Rock. There were many interesting round segmented carvings that almost looked like calendars on some of the walls
The kid in me immediately wondered whether the artist really wanted it to look like the little one was sniffing the big one’s butt!
Some of the petroglyphs up Mouse’s Tank Trail
Plenty to eat for the Anasazi in this canyon including these massive bighorn sheep
Is it a family holding hands or a group of men trying to corral some game?

The park is relatively small, but if you are ever in the Las Vegas area it is worth a visit. Just don’t expect to see Lake Mead when you are there because the water levels are so low that there is no north shore, just a stranded beach and a valley of sagebrush to behold.

Enjoy the pictures and as usual leave your comments off the comment link above. Happy hiking!

Goodbye from Valley of Fire State Park, expect to see us in an upcoming movie!

5 replies on “Valley of Fire State Park, Overton, Nevada”

Pretty fantastic as it is hard to imagine the geological forces that made the rock layers. Really nice to see these formations from a hiker’s perspective, rather than a commercial sweeping “calendar shot”.

Looks like “Larry the Lizard” was a good sport and held still for the shot.

Did the movie crew take any shots of you two? Or were they busy chasing after Larry?

No shots that we know of unless they did them from afar. We found an even more massive Larry at another trail, about 10x the size, but he was too far away to get a decent photograph.

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